Kalisto wanted to confuse people ?
Some days ago (6/8) Kalisto released a firmware for Yamaha 400t which supposed to help you rip DC games:
"...Information seems to be leaking out about this one so we decided to make a public release to avoid "fixed" firmware that may not be so friendly to the precious yamaha 400. Well, the rumors are true. This does work, we now have 8 of these units, and all of them can now read GD's. This is not the original way that we began ripping GD's.
We have an actual serial link setup that our hardware engineers figured out. This method of ripping is much more efficient as you may imagine we have known about this method for 3 weeks now but have chosen to keep it secret to protect Sega and the various developers that are licsenced by sega. This will soon all change and only patches will need to be released to make self ripped games playable. We hope that Sega and it's developers are up the the challenge that sony has been facing with the PSX. Sony has realized that the scene could help them and they used it to their advantage.."
However things are not as quite as Kalisto would like to present them. This release is NOT WORKING! Kalisto knew it it however they did release it. It's not fake as most people would tell you, it's real release however not working :(
Why? We don't know exactly, but we assume for confusing people. This release only caused problems to various 400t users, which try to use it since the updater (in propose) is not working. Some users who finally managed to update their drives found them after not working. So be careful when something new and exciting pops up!! NULL
"...Information seems to be leaking out about this one so we decided to make a public release to avoid "fixed" firmware that may not be so friendly to the precious yamaha 400. Well, the rumors are true. This does work, we now have 8 of these units, and all of them can now read GD's. This is not the original way that we began ripping GD's.
We have an actual serial link setup that our hardware engineers figured out. This method of ripping is much more efficient as you may imagine we have known about this method for 3 weeks now but have chosen to keep it secret to protect Sega and the various developers that are licsenced by sega. This will soon all change and only patches will need to be released to make self ripped games playable. We hope that Sega and it's developers are up the the challenge that sony has been facing with the PSX. Sony has realized that the scene could help them and they used it to their advantage.."
However things are not as quite as Kalisto would like to present them. This release is NOT WORKING! Kalisto knew it it however they did release it. It's not fake as most people would tell you, it's real release however not working :(
Why? We don't know exactly, but we assume for confusing people. This release only caused problems to various 400t users, which try to use it since the updater (in propose) is not working. Some users who finally managed to update their drives found them after not working. So be careful when something new and exciting pops up!! NULL