North Korea Blames U.S. for Recent Internet outages
North Korea accused the United States on Saturday of being responsible for Internet outages it experienced in recent days. North Korea's main internet sites experienced disruptions early in the week for reasons that U.S. tech companies said could range from technological glitches to a hacking attack.
"The United States, with its large physical size and oblivious to the shame of playing hide and seek as children with runny noses would, has begun disrupting the Internet operations of the main media outlets of our republic," the North's National Defense Commission said in a statement.
"It is truly laughable," a spokesman for the commission said in comments carried by the North's official KCNA news agency.
The spokesman again rejected an accusation by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation that North Korea was behind the cyberattack on Sony Pictures and demanded the United States produce the evidence for its accusation.