Pricing and Availability for Ez CD Creator 4.0
Adaptec's Easy CD Creator 4 Deluxe will be available in early fall 1999 and has a manufacturer's suggested retail price... -
IBM Hard Drives Get A Storage Boost
"..Today, the company announced two new very large capacity desktop hard drives: The 37GB 5,400RPM Deskstar and the 34GB 7,200RPM... -
Ricoh Announces First 6X/4X/24X CDR/W Drive for both SCSI and Atapi
"..Ricoh today announced the fastest CD-R/CD-RW combination drive on the market for July shipping. The new faster MediaMaster CD-R/CD-RW drive... -
Hardware Group reviewed OnStream SC30 Internal SCSI 30GB Drive
".. I set up a test directory containing multiple sub-directories and 695MB of mp3's and a few exe's. After backing... -
Super7.Net reviewed Western Digital Expert 9.1GB Ultra ATA/66
"..While Western Digital's touted 33% faster data transfer rate translates through the benchmark application to more like 18-20%, the Expert... -
Mail War : -5-
"..Having experimented and delved deeper into the subject I have come to the conclusion that both Samsung + Philips are... -
Companies Announce DVD Licensing Program
"..A Worldwide joint licensing program for patents for DVD-Video players and other DVD products was announced by six companies today.."... -
GA Source reviewed Creative CDRW 4224
Creative CDRW 4224 NULL -
Hardware Upgrade reviewed Western Digital AC 418000
"..This is a first quality product: the technical features are of best quality, the storage capabilities and general performance make... -
Mail War : -4-
"..I found a bug in easy cd creator 3.5c. I made a cd adding the files with the easy cd... -
Storage Review rewiewed Quantum Atlas IV
"..The Enterprise WDE18300, considering its status as "first to the market," enjoyed quite an extended reign. With its ATA-like areal... -
AGN Hardware reviewed Onstream 30GB Digital Drive
"..The Onstream drive does an excellent job of backing up your system, while at the same time giving you the... -
8x DVD DVD Release Planned for July
"..Matsushita-Kotobuki announced today that they plan on putting into the market an 8X DVD drive this July. The company has... -
AOpen Leads Industry With First 8X DVD-ROM Drive
"..With DVD media, the AOpen DVD-9836 has a sustained data transfer rate of 11.08MB/sec; by comparison, this transfer rate is... -
Sony has developed a new laser device for PSX
"..will enable the PSX to read both CDs and DVD.." NULL -
Mail War : -3-
".. Two weeks ago my yamaha 4416s stop burning cds...it seems as a printer with no more ink...it was 4...